by Alex Nzioka, Elvis Ogola and Frankline Otieno | May 20, 2024 | Legal update
Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download IntroductionIn the advent of the affordable housing scheme in Kenya players in the industry are determined to support the government in achieving this agenda. A major concern for the project is...
by Alex Nzioka and Elvis Ogola | Jan 31, 2023 | Legal update
“…… Isn’t equity crowdfunding meant to be all about improving access to capital, not restricting it?…”Nathan Rose, author of books about technology, creativity, and strategy. INTRODUCTION The everyday means of raising capital for business entities...
by Alex Nzioka and Frankline Otieno | Oct 12, 2022 | Legal update
The advent of debt and borrowing can be traced back as early as 3,500 B.C, long before the dawn of coinage or money. Digital lending has been introduced as a means to facilitate easy access to loans. Digital lending is now considered a game changer as for many years...